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The future is sustainable.
The Circular Economy is the future, and Gumtree is, and always has been, an important part of its growth. Born out of the sustainability movement, the circular economy rethinks the way we use products and services for the benefit of society, the environment and business.
As Australia’s favourite classifieds marketplace, we are the connection point for Australians trading in their neighbourhoods, living in the mix between old and new. For brands looking to connect with a more conscious consumer, Gumtree is the place to reach millions of engaged buyers and sellers as they upcycle, uptrade, and cash up, so they can buy new.
Gumtree’s 2022 ‘Trading in the Circular Economy Report’ reveals:
Australians stand to make approximately $6,964 per household from their pre-loved or unwanted items.
$62 billion
The estimated value of trading pre-loved, items in Australia is $62 billion, and it’s growing year-on-year.
21 items per household
On average, 86% of Aussies have 21 items per household they could sell